Thursday 4 April 2013


Salam harini cam biasa g class then class econometric td miss j dah marah sbb ktorg xde effort tuk maju ke depan. Ktorg x thu basic pun dia ckp so dia x leh nak ajar further leson. Miss j marah jgak coz ktorg x buat nota n then klau yg buat pun nota ringkas je this is included me. Aku rasa bersalah gila coz miss j ckp smlm dia tdo kul 2 coz nak study nak ajr ktorg arini. Tp harini dia dissappointed dgn ktorg coz we don't show the effort to learn the basic of economy eventhough we r economics student.
Ni sebenarnya dh kali kedua ktorg kna lecture coz x buat nota. Ya Allah swt tlg lah hambamu ini utk berubah and become a good student to a good lecturer like miss j. My first impression about her is she is a cheerful person and independent person coz for the first class she excited and very frendly with us. At first class lg ak dh fikir ok subjek ni menarik so ak akn belajar bersungguh2 lgpun lecturer best. Nasihat yg miss j bg ak ambik sbg ikhtibar coz dia jgak deal dgn ktorg yg klau ktorg x tunjuk effort dia akn drop kan ktorg dri subjek ni. So ak kena buat yg terbaik tuk buktikan kpd miss j yg ak bleh buat. I hope I can do it...:)

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Tanda hitam dalam hati

Bak kata mdm fara dina td dlm class setiap hari mesti dgr jgak 1 kata2 motivasi ke ape ke kalau x akan ada satu kecil tanda hitam dalam hati kita. Bila ak fikir2 balik ada betul jgk ckp mdm tu coz bygkn kalau kita xdgr kata2 nasihat or motivasi mcm mane kita nak memotivasikan diri kita. Memandangkan ak ni jenis cepat lupa so ak akn start dgar 1 motivasi setiap hari. 
Ha kalau nak thu td mdm dina ada jgak ckp yg dlm radio ada ceramah so ak teringin lak nak dgr radio Yelah duduk perak tp x thu plak berape frekuensi radio perak hehehe. Xpe bleh search dlm internet nti. Doakan ak dpt buat amalan ni ye semua. My quotes for today "We must change ourself bcoz only we can change ourself not others". GOODBYE....:)

Friday 15 March 2013

wekeend at perak

Assalamualaikum everyone....okay now this is the second week i'm in perak. my life here is so damn bz. This sem i take 25 credit hours equal to 8 subject. Fuh it's tiring u know. I hope i can passing this period smoothly. Anyway I remember what my last semester lecturer have said to us in class which is "practice make perfect". Perfect here according to him is wrong bcoz he said that as a muslim we must know that only Allah SWT is perfect.W e as human must try harder to become a successful person. I like this lecturer so much bcoz he always look something from different view and  perspective from others. My frens and I call him DADDY coz he just like our DADDY who likes to share and give experience to us. Thanks DADDY coz u have been taught me many thing in this world. Ok thats all for today I want to spent my weekend by watchin korean drama. Now i watching this drama....lets go watch it.....


Monday 18 February 2013

Blog oh blog...:)

Assalamualaikum kpd semua umat islam semua...semua sihat? lamanya ak x  update blog. Bukan blog dh dilupakan tp bz sgt2. Sepanjang 1 sem ak sbg student degree kt perak ak x sempat tulis blog pun sbb take time tuk ak nak adapt dgn keadaan di perak. U know everybody don't like new place more than old place. Allahamdullillah selama satu sem ak kt perak akhirnya lg seminggu ak nak masuk sem 2 dh kt sana nti. Well life kt perak not bad lah coz ak kt sana pun demi segulung ijazah. A few days ago ak dh thu sal result ak. Result ak biasa2 je tp bersyukur sbb xde fail coz time table exm ak aritu pack gila which is 4 days non stop exm wthout any gap.Semua budak economy mata lebam time tu. Past is past and ak menyesal jgak sbb ak rasa ak patut dpt result lg ok. Nevermind this is only begining of my life as a degree student i hope i will do much more better next sem.Ok thats all, sbb skrg tgh stress akhirnya ak pilih blog sbg tempat ku berbicara...hav a nice day...:)