Thursday 4 April 2013


Salam harini cam biasa g class then class econometric td miss j dah marah sbb ktorg xde effort tuk maju ke depan. Ktorg x thu basic pun dia ckp so dia x leh nak ajar further leson. Miss j marah jgak coz ktorg x buat nota n then klau yg buat pun nota ringkas je this is included me. Aku rasa bersalah gila coz miss j ckp smlm dia tdo kul 2 coz nak study nak ajr ktorg arini. Tp harini dia dissappointed dgn ktorg coz we don't show the effort to learn the basic of economy eventhough we r economics student.
Ni sebenarnya dh kali kedua ktorg kna lecture coz x buat nota. Ya Allah swt tlg lah hambamu ini utk berubah and become a good student to a good lecturer like miss j. My first impression about her is she is a cheerful person and independent person coz for the first class she excited and very frendly with us. At first class lg ak dh fikir ok subjek ni menarik so ak akn belajar bersungguh2 lgpun lecturer best. Nasihat yg miss j bg ak ambik sbg ikhtibar coz dia jgak deal dgn ktorg yg klau ktorg x tunjuk effort dia akn drop kan ktorg dri subjek ni. So ak kena buat yg terbaik tuk buktikan kpd miss j yg ak bleh buat. I hope I can do it...:)

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