Friday 15 March 2013

wekeend at perak

Assalamualaikum everyone....okay now this is the second week i'm in perak. my life here is so damn bz. This sem i take 25 credit hours equal to 8 subject. Fuh it's tiring u know. I hope i can passing this period smoothly. Anyway I remember what my last semester lecturer have said to us in class which is "practice make perfect". Perfect here according to him is wrong bcoz he said that as a muslim we must know that only Allah SWT is perfect.W e as human must try harder to become a successful person. I like this lecturer so much bcoz he always look something from different view and  perspective from others. My frens and I call him DADDY coz he just like our DADDY who likes to share and give experience to us. Thanks DADDY coz u have been taught me many thing in this world. Ok thats all for today I want to spent my weekend by watchin korean drama. Now i watching this drama....lets go watch it.....